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configuration of a printer


I want to install an Epson Stylus Color 850 printer directly attached to
my machine (local printer). I have been looking at the
Printing-HOWTO-6.html that comes with the default installation of Linux
Debian 2.1 (slink).

After reading the introduction, I have tried to print an ascii text to
the printer but the systems gives me the following error:

no printcap for printer 'epson'
job 'cfA886cambados.des.fi.udc.es' transfer to epson@localhost failed

Despite the previous message, I have confiugred an /etc/printcap entry


and I have also created the corresponding spool directory:

1058853    1 drwxr-sr-x   2 root     lp           1024 Sep 22 20:42

What about the "lpd" daemon? The output of the command "ps aux | grep
lpd" is:

lp         161  0.0  0.6  1500   800  ?  S    13:23   0:00 lpd MAIN

So I suppose that the daemon is correctly installed and initialized. Is
that correct? Maybe that the error comes from the initialization of

I have tried to configure this printer several times but I have always
obtained the same result.  I have also studied the questions and answers
about printer configuration that appear in the list, but even though I
have not been able to find the error.

I hope you can help me.


              Manuel Arenaz

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