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Re: My own DNS with bind

On Mon, 30 Aug 1999, Marcus Johansson wrote:

> Hi!
> I have 4 machines at home, and one of them is configured with ip-masq/forward 
> so I can have them all on the big net. And that works like a charm. I've also 
> set up a slave DNS on the ip-masq box, which all my clients use as their 
> primary DNS, and that works too. But where and how do I configure so my own 
> local machines are in that DNS? I dont want to have to edit /etc/hosts on 
> every machine when I add a new machine...

Append to /etc/named.conf the following lines:

zone "your_local_domain_name" {
	type master;
        notify no;
        file "filename_relative_to_/var/named";

zone "1.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
	type master;
        notify no;
        file "rev-filename_relative_to_/var/named";

 assuming that your masqueraded network base address is

Create a zone file named as the given filename in the 4th line you
appended to /etc/named.conf. Syntax of the zone file is described in

Create a reverse zone file named as in the 10th line you appended to

You need to create A records in the forward zone, and PTR records in
the reverse-zone, and SOA records in both. 

Robert Varga

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