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Re: why no linuxconf package?

Noah L. Meyerhans writes:
 > On Fri, 13 Aug 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:
 > > Linuxconf uses the GPL.  Is there some non-technical reason why there
 > > is no Debian package for Linuxconf?  (I just have this idea that
 > > Debian suffers from NIH -- dare I say "RPM"?)
 > Apparently linuxconf is included with potato (debian 2.2, which is in
 > development).  IMHO this is really not a good thing, because linuxconf has
 > a nasty tendancy to create scripts that are easily machine parsable but
 > are absolutely unreadable to humans.  One of Debians greatest assets is
 > its remote, console based admin capability.  To me, linuxconf really
 > breaks this.

If it breaks this, then linuxconf needs fixing.  But that's more a
matter of fixing linuxconf than rejecting it.  It's okay if a GUI
admin tool writes out structured configuration files, but it MUST be
able to read in any modifications made by hand, and it SHOULD write
configuration files which are human-readable.

 > I don't think it's fair at all to say that Debian suffers from the NIH
 > syndrome.  Did we write sendmail, apache, emacs, or perl?  RedHat didn't
 > write linuxconf (in fact, linuxconf is incompatible with redhat's own
 > "AnotherLevel" config tool (I think that's the right name)).  So it's not
 > like we've got a problem with stuff written by people doing work for other
 > distributions.  And there are fundamental reasons why we use something
 > other than RPM.  The Debian package format is inherently better.

RPM has already been broken^H^H^H^H^H^Himproved once already.  I don't
see why it can't be improved to include any advantages that DEB has.
I mean, in an era when XEmacs and GNU Emacs are talking about merging
back, and egcs is becoming gcc-3.0, can't we all get along?

 > This has been debated by the developers quite often.  Somebody else
 > can probably give you a more detailed history of this issue.

I already asked, and didn't get one.  But Colin Marquardt pointed me
to http://kitenet.net/~joey/pkg-comp/ , which is better than nothing.

-russ nelson <nelson@crynwr.com>  http://russnelson.com
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