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modem reporting a lot of errors

	I am getting a lot of errors for my ppp0 interface.
	ifconfig shows:

	ppp0      Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
	          inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
                  UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
                  RX packets:42548 errors:2233 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2233
                  TX packets:35110 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

	I only left modem on for about 4 hours. And I got 2000 errors already.
	Is there any way to avoid this??

	In addition, should I use xon/xoff or hardware for the flow control??



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _               _____
Department of Communications    / __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia               |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: shao@cia.com.au                                                  |___/ 

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