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Re: support

I've successfully used a laptop on pppconfig to set up a modem that uses
standard AT commands but had a special cable to my cellular phone (Nokia).

If you have some kind of special hardware that's not supported, I can't
speak to that... but any supported PCMCIA modem that uses standard AT
commands that also has a cable connector to go to a cell phone should

FWIW, cellular phone dialup over the AMPS cellular network (analog) will
typically connect at 4800-9600 bps maximum... not fast, but it works for a
quick pine session to check mail or a quick backdoor behind a firewall to
check the health of a system.

Good luck!

On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, M Thurston wrote:

> some stuff that i want to know about please:
> where can i get Debian banners from to put on my web pages?
> does debain support Mobile Phone data connections?
> M Thurston
> ---------------
> urasurfdud@aol.com
> -- 
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