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Re: Text on PS3 Printer

Try turning on the "fix stairstepping of text" option that adds an LF to
each line in your printer setup...

Hopefully this gets you headed the right direction with this quick
reply.  I don't remember where that setting is done, but the ghostscript
setup files come to mind.  

You'll probably get a more enlightened response from someone far more
awake in a little while here on the list...  (yawn...)

Petru NOTINGHER wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a PostScript printer connected via TCP/IP. Everything works
> fine, excepting the printing of ASCII Text :
> it prints only the first line. The printer is a Xerox NC60. I use the
> ps600-only filter.

| Nate Duehr - nate@natetech.com    | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! |
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