basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)
hello d-community,
i can at least boot d-linux (so, i get some "credit," right?).
however, i get probs w/ dselect ("installation script returned error
exit status 1"). it feels like i'm skipping steps/concepts, which are
probably explained in the man(ual).
anyway, the "pro" talk seems to be in favor of shutting off newbies, so
before that happens, can someone gently give me help regarding the
man(ual). (believe me, i'd love to find the answers on my own by
reading a manual. i just need help getting to it.)
this is where i am:
i've downloaded
how does one actually read this file? (is it a "text" doc? is it a doc
that can only be read through linux? if so, which program/command do i
bentley taylor.
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