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Re: apt-get on linux / download on NT

I've just done this over the weekend, although a little awkwardly.  Here's
what I did:

On the machine I want to duplicate:
    dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1;}' > installed-packages.txt

Then, for each line in installed-packages.txt, do a 'dpkg-repack <package
name>'.  This will re-create all of the .debs that you need.
Copy installed-packages.txt and the .debs to your zip drive.

On the new machine:
    dpkg --get-selections | awk '{print $1;}' >
    diff already-installed-packages.txt installed-packages.txt >

    (Some .debs (like ae, for instance) are installed by the base
installation, thus the above lines.)

Now, you have the list of packages you need to install, as well as the
needed .debs.  Go through to-install.txt and try to install each one:
    dpkg --install <package>.deb

Some won't work, because packages they depend upon haven't been installed.
So go install the dependencies and come back.  If you record the order in
which you installed them, you can just create a script to do the job in the
future.  So, yeah, it's an ugly process but you only have to do it once.  I
spend about 2 hours trying to writing a perl script to automate the process
before I realized that it would be easier to just do it by hand, or I'd have
a nice script for you.


PS:    gcc will present a problem.  It depends upon libstdc++-dev, which in
turn depends upon gcc (!).  Use the '--ignore-depends=gcc' option when
installing libstdc++-dev.

-----Original Message-----
From: virtanen <hvirtane@cc.jyu.fi>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org <debian-user@lists.debian.org>; recipient
list not shown: ; <recipient list not shown: ;>
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: apt-get on linux / download on NT

>On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, Joel Gautschi wrote:
>> I want to do the following thing:
>> I have a debian (slink) pc at home. Sometimes I want to update some
>> or even the whole system - f.e. to a later debian dist. the problem is
>> I don't have a static connection to the internet (or sth like that) at
>> My connection isn't fast enough if i want to upgrade to a later
>> debain-dist... (-> it would cost a lot of money). the best solution would
>> if I could.... generate a list of the needed packages for upgrade on my
>> linux pc at home (f.e. with apt-get).
>I'm somewhat sharing this problem. My problem is now to install Debian in
>a machine. It is connected to the net, but I cannot make that connection
>using Linux at the moment. The base is already installed, but
>1) I wanted to install a predefined standard system.
>2) How can I get easily a list of the packages needed?
>I could put all the neede packages on a zip-disk. Both win and debian can
>read and write on that zip-disk, but the netconnection is now only with
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