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> When I'm going through the networking setup, it asks me whether to set the
> last bits at 0 or 1 or if I have a different Broadcast address.  When I go
> onto winipcfg, I get the following under Host Information:  Node Type:
> Broadcast.  This doesn't tell me if it sets all last bits to 0 or 1 or what?
> Or does it?

You shouldn't need anything other than the default setting for this that I
know of.  I'd leave it at the default value that's highlighted.

> I also didn't get the Gateway thing.  In my winipcfg, it says that the
> Default Gateway is *.*.*.* (where the *s are wildcard IP #s).  Is this the
> Gateway for Linux?

That is rather odd.  I've never seen it before.  I'd go ahead and try that
as the deafult gateway for linux.  If the gateway works for windows, the
same values *should* work for linux.  I think you need to use 0's instead
of *'s in linux though.  Give that a try and see what happens.

> I started by setting everything up like an ethernet device, and the modem
> says it's in link with the computer, but the computer cannot look up web
> addresses, when I run dselect under the ats (?-you know, the kind that
> downloads stuff) system.

This is probably because the gateway isn't setup correctly.  Once the
gateway is setup, that problem will probably go away, but don't quote on
me that. :)  Can you ping a something outside your network?  Try looking
at kernel.log or ppp.log and see what's there.


ratirh@lore.cs.purdue.edu : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic      1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

"Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled."

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