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BUG ??

In the debian installation, it asks if we prefer having the time in GMT or
in LOCAL format. But There is a confusion. GMT is used instead of UTC.
Here is the difference :

   GMT is based on the earth rotation, so it's not regular.

   UTC is the universal time and is very precise.

see http://opdaf1.obspm.fr/www/lexique.html and http://opdaf1.obspm.fr/
to have more infos (sorry, french links)

the UTC time IS THE reference but the GMT acronym is used in 99% of the
cases to say UTC.

So, wouldn't it be better to use UTC in the install and in the
/etc/default/rcS file (And maybe some others...)
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Sami Dalouche : samid@ifrance.com    DHIS     : pingoo.dhis.org

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