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Re: Palm Pilots

*- On  3 Jul, Illo de' Illis wrote about "Re: Palm Pilots"
> On Fri, Jul 02, 1999 at 11:37:09PM -0400, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
>> Which palm pilotswill available linux software work well with?
>> I was thinking of buying a palm IIIx and was wondering if there were any 
>> isses with it good or bad stories appreciated!
> I don't know whether the latest prc-tools package provides the includes for
> the latest OS functions, but every package dealing with the Palms works
> flawlessly for me (I own a PalmIII). You can try pose (PalmOS emulator for
> X11), prc-tools and pilrc if you want to code some PalmOS applications, and
> the indispensable pilot-link for the backup and installation of PalmOS
> applications.

There are also the gui frontends of pilot-manager that uses pilot-link,
I use and like it.  It has a calender sync conduit for the plan
calander package.  There is also kpilot that is in beta and needs the
kde base packages installed.  

Mechanical Engineering                              servis@purdue.edu
Purdue University                   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

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