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Re: A stylistic question?

Michael Talbot-Wilson wrote:

> > Hi.  I finally worked out how to do the Linux equivalent of batch files
> > (scripts) and was wondering if there was a generally accepted directory
> > for keeping user (and/or root) scripts in.
> I don't think there is, but it is generally accepted that anything that is not host-specific (such as binaries, which depend on the CPU) should go under /usr/share.
> Unless someone has a better idea I would put general-purpose scripts in /usr/share/bin.
> --
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Even better, make a bin subdirectory in your $HOME for user scripts (like the script that wake me every morning), and all system-wide scripts (like admin stuff, or
useful scripts you might dream up) in /usr/local/bin.

Just add your $HOME/bin to your path in .bash_profile or .bashrc


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