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Available packages for apt

Recently, after a lot of apt-get dist-upgrade, I noticed that my 
/var/cache/apt/archive had many copies of the same packages. 
So, I tried a man apt-get and found the option clean. I tried it but it removed everything.
I just want it to remove the old packages, keeping the most recent in their place.
is there a way to do this ?

I have to give my cache to a friend but dpkg-scanpackage puts in his package file the most expired package, which isn't good if he wants to do a apt-get upgrade...

Christophe Clapp      \\  //  cclapp@ifrance.com
   |    |  |\ |  |  |  \\//   cclapp@prostate90.com
   |__  |  | \|  |__|  //\\   cclapp@easynet.fr
                      //  \\  ICQ : 25560290 debian

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