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Re: sticky bit (was: RE: Permissions for /tmp)


On Tue, 25 May, 1999 à 11:51:00PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> Pollywog wrote:
>   >
>   >On 25-May-99 scratch wrote:
>   >The sticky bit (chmod +t) on a directory just makes it so that anyone can wr
>       >ite
>   >to that directory but not modify files they did not make.
> Not quite.  It does mean that you cannot delete files that you do not own,
> but you may still be able to alter them.
> In order to delete any file, you need write permission on the directory it
> is in.  If the sticky bit is set in the directory permissions, you also
> need to own the file itself before you can delete it.  If the sticky bit is
> -rw-------   1 olly     olly          422 May 25 15:50 .exmhaudit.1406
> -rw-rw-rw-   1 olly     olly            0 May 25 22:58 junk
>              ^
>              |____ This is the link count; for a file it shows how many hard 
> links there are to it; for a directory, on some Unixes, it shows the number
> of files in the directory - I don't know what it is showing on Linux (there
> are 18 files and sub-directories in my /tmp rather than 7).
It shows the number of directories in the directory (. and .. included) and
it does correspond to the number of link as each of this directory includes
a link to its parent directory (.. is this link). BTW the missing link is
the entry of the directory itself in its parent directory and not .. indeed.

 ( >-   Laurent PICOULEAU                                      -< )
 /~\       lcrpic@a2points.com                                  /~\
|  \)    Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !    (/  |
 \_|_    Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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