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3D stereo glasses for Linux?

I realise this is not only off-topic, but completely out in left field. I have
just been searching a few 3D glasses sites, and found many games have 3D patched
available for them, including, Quake, Doom and Duke Nukem! But the sites I found
only listed DOS and Windows drivers. I was wondering if anyone knew of any
software or patches for 3D glasses for Linux. I'm talking about the LCD
shutter-type glasses and not the old Red/Blue type ones, of course. I have
always had an interest in 3D photography and films and used to have a book
called Garage VR that had lots of software for VR stuff, including drivers for
generic 3D LCD glasses, special output format that used a stereopticon type
viewer that was attached directly to the monitor as well as the old Red/Blue
output. This is just for my own curiosity and as an extra selling point to the
Wife for Linux.
Thanks for your help and information.


     John Gay

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