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Re: kernel and modules compiling

~> I also install the kernel using a small shellprogram provided (you will
~> need to switch that to executable using chmod +x)
~> The last thing I do is that I run lilo. 
~> make bzImage
~> make modules
~> # rm -rf /lib/modules/2.2.5 # Only if you are very sure about this!

I wondered whether that could / should be done.  The prob here is that
you won't be able to run any other previous kernel, just the new
compiled one.

~> make modules_install
~> depmod -a 
~> cd arch/i386/boot
~> ./install.sh 2.2.5 bzImage ../../../System.map /

that script is just to copy the image to /boot/vmlinux-x.x.x and
System.map?  or does it also add the lines to lilo.conf?

~> lilo


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