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Re: setting up a home lan

Hi Shao,

On Wed, May 12, 1999 at 04:14:40PM +0000, Shao Zhang wrote:

> 	Can anyone tell me what are the procedures to set up two computers
> 	to talk to each other via ethernet.
> 	In particular, what kind of ip I can choose. Is there a HOWTO on this??

Check /usr/doc/HOWTO.  There should be (if installed) an Enterhnet-HOWTO
and a network-HOWTO; I'm not 100% sure about the names, just take a
look into the directory.

First you need to setup the hardware (network-cards, Twisted Pair or
RG58-wire, if you will be using TP).  If your netword-adaptors are 
Plug-and-Pray cards you will need to use isapnp (cf. man isapnp, 
man isapnp.conf) to initialize your cards. Next, you need to compile the 
networking support either into the kernel or compile and install the necessary
modules.  /etc/services and friends should be setup OK if you have not
changed them.  Depending on what you want to do, you may need to edit 
the /etc/hosts files on both computers or install a DNS server on one
of them to achieve name resolution.
Possible IP-addresses are (for example) everything starting with
192.168.  This is a "private" network, which is not used anywhere on the
internet, so you will not create any duplicate IP-addresses.

So much for a road-map.  The HOWTOs will know more about you specific

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke                                    engelke@math.uni-hamburg.de
                        *** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

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