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Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #802

Tom writes:
> Wouldn't it be nice if I could tell the following to everyone to type
> "command keyword" or "command string", and a list of applications related
> to that keyword or string would be provided.

# ptxdeb public domain 12/14/98 by John Hasler 

# ptxdeb uses the GNU permuted index program ptx to produce KWIC indexes of
# the Debian Packages file.  Requires a fixed ptx.  ptx_0.4-5 is broken.


usage () { echo "$VERSION usage: ptxdeb keyword
Edit /etc/ptxdeb/ptxdeb.conf to read a different Packages file."; }

case "$#"
    0)  cat $PACKAGES | awk '/Package:/ { printf "%s", $2 }; \
                   /Description:/ { $1 = ""; print}' | ptx -r ;;
    1)  case "$1"
            --help) usage; exit 0;;
            --version) echo "ptxdeb $VERSION"; exit 0 ;;
                *) cat $PACKAGES | awk '/Package:/ { printf "%s", $2 }; /Description:/ \
        { $1 = ""; print}' | ptx -r | awk '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+.* [a-zA-Z0-9]+.*   '$1'.*/' ;;
    *)  usage ; exit 1;;
exit 0

Hack it to operate on Available instead of Packages and add bells and
whistles to taste.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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