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Re: mod_roaming questions

Ben Frame wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm relatively new to apache, but I'm trying to setup a roaming access
> server with Potato.  I thought I had set it up correctly but it doesn't
> seem to be working.  Maybe one of you apache studs can help out.  Here's
> the story:
> I setup a machine with potato.  Then I installed the apache package(s)
> that come with the [unstable] distribution (I think its apache
> 1.3.6???).  Then I tried installing the "libapache-mod-roaming" package
> (the roaming access package).  But dselect says that the "apache-common"
> package already provides "libapache-mod-roaming."
> So I think, great, its already installed, less work for me.  And sure
> enough when I checked, in my /usr/lib/apache/1.3 directory (with all the
> other modules) there is a file called "mod_roaming.so."  And in my
> "httpd.conf" file, there was a line (commented out by default)
> "LoadModule roaming_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/mod_roaming.so."   So
> naturally I uncommented that line and restarted the server.
> Now in theory this should be working right?  Netscape Communicator
> (4.51) gives an "unexplained network error" when it looks for the
> roaming access server.
> So I guess my questions are these:
> 1.  did I do everything necessary?  are there things I still need to
> compile, and if so, what?

Well, you didn't mention whether or not you set the RoamingAlias directive which the
mod_roaming module needs. You need to edit your httpd.conf file and add a line like:

RoamingAlias /roaming /usr/local/etc/apache-roaming-profiles

> 2.  Is there a place (a config file or something) where I can configure
> the settings for the roaming profiles, like which directories I want to
> use for user space, etc... ?

Mais oui! You may have to fiddle with the perms. In your browser you'll set the
roaming profile URL to http://host/roaming/user (if you used /roaming as your alias).

> 3.  Is there and good documentation out there for mod_roaming?

Dunno. I compiled from source.

Jens B. Jorgensen

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