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Re: K-Rad Debian?

>>>>> "Eric" == E L Meijer <tgakem@sg10.chem.tue.nl> writes:

    Me> 4) Is anyone else interested in a K6-optimized version of
    Me> Debian [...] ?
    Me> 5) Is this interesting enough to become an "official" port?

    Eric> I don't think that is a stunningly good idea.  Imagine this:

    Eric> debian-i386
    Eric> debian-i486
    Eric> debian-K5
    Eric> debian-K6
    Eric> debian-K6-2
    Eric> debian-K6-3
    Eric> debian-K7
    Eric> debian-P5
    Eric> debian-P6
    Eric> debian-P5MMX
    Eric> debian-PII
    Eric> debian-PIII
    Eric> debian-PIIII
    Eric> debian-PIIIII
    Eric> debian-PIIIIII:)

    Eric> Comments anyone?

Sure.  I think you've got a good point, in that Debian is getting
large already.  BUT, I had another idea.  It would require changes to
dpkg and etc., but it may be worth it.  At least it's an idea.

Currently all systems have a platform, like "i386", "alpha", "sparc",
etc.  What if systems could also have a sub-platform, like "K6",
"21164", or "PentiumPro"?

That way, for packages that would benefit from per-processor
optimizations, there could be a number of (binary) package files, one
for each sub-platform. (OR just one for each sub-platform that's been
built...).  For example, if there was a set of debs like this:


Most machines would use the first one, but my machine, recognizing its
"sub-platform", would use the second.

MOST packages aren't going to benefit (majordomo comes to mind), but
some would benefit magnificently and it would be a real cool addition.


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