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Re: Selecting dist. (Was: Where is "/etc/rc.d/rc.local" on Debian?)

* Christian Dysthe <cdysthe@bigfoot.com>:
> now most users of Linux has been very well skilled in computer use. My girl
> friend has looked at my Linux installation and she wants it too. She will go
> out and buy Redhat. And as she says: "Then I do not have to read all that
> stuff,
> at least not mailing lists and howto's just to install a driver" These are the
> "new" Linux users. Like it or not. 

Thats quite unlike how I did, and how most people I know went about it.
I just got the same distribution as a close friend of mine so I'd have
someone to ask. After that I switched to Debian because I felt it was a
good thing <tm>. I've got to learn how to do a lot of stuff in a different
way now, but I've learnt a lot that didn't change and without that I might
have needed a lot more time to learn everything I've gotten into my head
so far.

Ulrik Haugen <qha@lysator.liu.se>
"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you
do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will
understand why I dismiss yours." -- Stephen Roberts

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