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Re: Hitting web site consistently dropped ppp connection?


	Actually, the triple-plus signal is part of the Hayes modem command
protocol. It tells the modem to enter its command state and interpret any
subsequent chars as operational commands. Thus, triple-plusATH will cause a
hang-up. Any modem adhering to this standard, which includes all consumer
devices, will behave in this way.

	A person who places this string in a web-page is probably doing so for
the sole purpose of messing with the minds of anyone trying to download their

On Sun, 21 Mar 1999, Heikki Vatiainen wrote:
>Ugh, I'm following up myself since I think I got it wrong about 
>whose modem was closing the connection.
>I wrote:
>> Nathan O. Siemers wrote:
>> > I've got a weird one, folks.
>> Not really, it's just a feature in your modem :)
>                                     ^^^^
>What I should have said is "your ISP's modem" since you are 
>getting the page from your ISP and their modem probably thinks
>the triple + is a special sequence.
>> > Is there a ghost in the machine?  How could that happen? Is this a
>> > freak coincidence or the tickling/exploit of a pppd bug?  It there an
>> > escape sequence embedded in the transfer that could reset the modem?
>> Escape sequence is probably the correct quess. I just
>> downloaded the page and one of comments had this signature:
>> -- + ++ATH0
>>     ^
>> Space added by me to protect modem owners. My guess is your 
>> modem saw the three plus signs and hung up.
>  ^^^^^
>Again, "ISP's modem". 
>// Heikki
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