Re: Too many subdirectories
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 03:11:06PM -0500, Dan Brosemer wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:
> > I made a c program :
> >
> > #include <stdio.h>
> > main()
> > {
> > int nbr=0;
> > while(1)
> > {
> > printf("%d\n",nbr+=1);
> > mkdir ("x");
> > chdir ("x");
> > }
> > exit(0);
> > }
> I hate to ask, but... why??? I duplicated this for the sake of making
> sure this script would work, and it brought my system to it's knees.
Because my friend and I wanted to do a little benchmarking to compare the
speed of a bash script and this C script. The bash one is about 100 times
slower, at least ! But, we didn't look too smart after it created over 10,000
subdirectories and that we didn't know how we were going to get rid of them.
> > My problem is that there is now too many subdirectories (10,000) and rm said
> > " Memory exhausted " when I type
> > rm -rf x
> > Does anyone know of a C script which can suppress all these directories ?
> > Thanks.
> This should do it but it'll take forever
> #!/bin/sh
> while [ -d 'x' ] ; do
> mv x/x x1
> rmdir x
> mv x1 x
> done
> just put that in a text file, chmod it to 755 and run it.
> Good luck.
Thank you, there's a C one from the other person that is a little faster than
the bash, but I never thought of this method.
> -Dano
> --
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Christophe Clapp \\ //
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