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Re: Netscape Install

Rob Pratt wrote:

> Hello.
> Excuse the newbie question, but I'm having a tough time getting the
> "ns-install" script to run to install Netscape on a 486 machine. The version
> I'm using is 4.51 for Linux 2.0 (supported). The readme says simply to run
> the script -- and voila, it installs. However, when I try to run the script,
> I get the error "ns-install: not found" even though I can see it in the
> directory where I'm trying to run it. Also, I've tried the manual install
> instructions (copying files, running a couple of gzips, etc.) with no
> success. Can someone provide a couple of steps or point to a script that
> does work?
> Rob Pratt
> --
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I believe the short answer is that you need to run:
the ./ tells it to run in the current directory. It was reporting that it was not
found because the current directory is not in your path.

Long answer is to use the .deb's for netscape.

Hmm, that seemed backwards...



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