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Re: Qt compilation

*-Daniel Elenius <danel698@student.liu.se>
| What command-line options should I use to compile a qt program,
| e.g. the "Hello World!" example from the qt homepage. I get a lot of
| errors concerning qpushbutton.h, qapplication.h, etc. I tried
| gcc qttut.c -I/usr/X11R6/include/qt
| and other things but I couldn't get it to work.

Have you installed the -dev package (qt1g-dev)? If so, then something

g++ -o qttut qttut.cpp -I/usr/X11R6/include/qt -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lqt

should do the trick. Note that since it's a C++ program you should
compile with g++ and name your file .cpp, .cc , .C, .cxx, ...

Eschew obfuscation    (go on; look them both up)
                                   (Brian White)
olet@ifi.uio.no   [-: .elOle. :-]   olet@debian.org

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