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[SOLVED] Re: kernel-image-2.2.1 package cannot be created with make-kpkg

Thank you all very much!

As some of you commented, the error was solved using "(export LANG=C;
make-kpkg ...)": my LANG variable was set to "spanish". I have searched
in the docs of kernel-source, kernel-doc and kernel-package and I have
found nothing about taking into account the variable LANG. I am
considering to report a warning for package maintainers!

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50       | e-m: Conrado.Badenas@uv.es
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN                        | Fax: +34-63983385

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