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Squid not starting/stopping correctly

My new version of squid is not starting or stopping properly.  However, it
seems to run OK.

ii  squid           2.1.2-1        Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
ii  squid-cgi       2.1.2-1        Squid cache manager CGI program
ii  squidclient     2.1.2-1        Command line URL extractor that talks to (a)

root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting proxy server: squid.
root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid stop 
Stopping proxy server: Waiting ............................................................. Failed.. done.

(Of course, it takes two minutes for the stop script to time out.)

Adding the -x option to the top of the script to show the commands executed:

root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid start
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
+ DAEMON=/usr/lib/squid/RunCache
+ SQUID=/usr/sbin/squid
+ LIB=/usr/lib/squid
+ PIDFILE=/var/run/runcache.pid
+ SPIDFILE=/var/run/squid.pid
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/squid ']'
+ echo -n 'Starting proxy server: '
Starting proxy server: + start
+ cd /var/spool/squid
+ start-stop-daemon --quiet --start --pidfile /var/run/runcache.pid --exec /usr/lib/squid/RunCache -- -D -sNY
+ sleep 2
+ echo squid.
+ exit 0

root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# date                  [exit=0] [tty=p2] [ 6:21PM]
Thu Feb  4 18:22:06 PST 1999
Thu Feb  4 18:22:06 PST 1999
root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# ls -l /var/run/{runcache,squid}.pid
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root            5 Feb  4 18:21 /var/run/runcache.pid
-rw-r--r--   1 root     proxy           5 Feb  4 18:21 /var/run/squid.pid
root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# cat /var/run/runcache.pid
root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# cat /var/run/squid.pid
root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils# ps aux|egrep '1906|1912'
proxy     1912  1.6  3.9  6896  5008  p2 S N  18:21   0:01 squid -D -sNY 
root      1906  0.1  0.6  1640   856  p2 S N  18:21   0:00 sh /usr/lib/squid/Run
root      1944  0.0  0.2   848   348  p2 S N  18:23   0:00 egrep 1906|1912 

root@ypres:/usr/doc/modutils#  /etc/init.d/squid stop
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
+ DAEMON=/usr/lib/squid/RunCache
+ SQUID=/usr/sbin/squid
+ LIB=/usr/lib/squid
+ PIDFILE=/var/run/runcache.pid
+ SPIDFILE=/var/run/squid.pid
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/squid ']'
+ echo -n 'Stopping proxy server: '
Stopping proxy server: + stop verbose
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/runcache.pid
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/squid.pid --exec /usr/sbin/squid
+ sleep 2
++ pidof -o %PPID -o 1945 /usr/sbin/squid
+ '[' '894 893 892 891 890 865 864 863 862 861 836 835 834 833 832 807 806 805 804 803 778 777 776 775 774 749 748 747 746 745 653 652 651 650 649 624 623 622 621 620 595 594 593 592 591 566 565 564 563 562 537 536 535 508 507 506 505 504 468 467 466 465 464 534 533 413 412 411 410 384 383 382 381 380 409 346 345 344 343 342 289 288 287 286 285 254 253 252 251 250 182 181 180 179 178' '!=' '' ']'
+ echo -n 'Waiting .'
Waiting .+ cnt=0
++ pidof -o %PPID -o 1945 /usr/sbin/squid
+ '[' '894 893 892 891 890 865 864 863 862 861 836 835 834 833 832 807 806 805 804 803 778 777 776 775 774 749 748 747 746 745 653 652 651 650 649 624 623 622 621 620 595 594 593 592 591 566 565 564 563 562 537 536 535 508 507 506 505 504 468 467 466 465 464 534 533 413 412 411 410 384 383 382 381 380 409 346 345 344 343 342 289 288 287 286 285 254 253 252 251 250 182 181 180 179 178' '!=' '' ']'
++ expr 0 + 1
+ cnt=1
+ '[' 1 -gt 60 ']'
+ sleep 2


-Mike Orr, mso@jimpick.com

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