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Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

On 19 Jan 99 07:17:49 GMT, mark@ist.flinders.edu.au (Mark Phillips)

>I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
>thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:
>apt-get update
>apt-get dist-upgrade


>Is this at all dangerous?

Slink hasn't been released officially, so there is a small element of
risk involved.  It's more likely that a couple of packages may be
awkward to install than anything serious though.

>What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?

apt-get will pick up the download when you re-connect, keeping
downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives with partial downloads
in [...]/partial.  It doesn't install a thing until it's downloaded
the lot, so make sure you have enough disk space.

Rob Wilderspin
"But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep..."
----------------------= (send replies to rob@)

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