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X problems

This just started happening tonight:
I was running X, and needed to restart the Afterstep, so I did. Instead of
restarting Afterstep Xdm restarted. And would not let me login as a user
anymore ( I can login as root and run everything fine).
So I took xdm out of startup.
Now I can login into shell as a user, but startx 
just attempts to start the X, I get the default screen, but before
anything else happens, X just shutdowns without any error messages. Just 
Waiting for X server to shutdown.

But root can run anything perfectly.
Any help?

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code.     | c680789@showme.missouri.edu
If they understand it, they don't      | ICQ: 12402354
need you.                              |

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