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Re: kernel

Tom Persons wrote:
> I'll try this but I'm unsure how to find my CDROM using the 'cd' and 'ls'
> commands. I am aware that 'cd' mirrors the dos function of the same name and
> 'ls' is the same as 'dir' but linux doesn't assign drive letters, does it?
> Or would it be 'scd0'? And sleep sounds like a good idea!!! It's almost
> 4:00am your time!!!

	Tom, let give an example that may help.  My sys has an ATAPI
cdrom, which is given a /hd? device name after the hard drives, so
it becomes /deb/hdb on my sys (I have only one hd).  This is the
only difference between us, I believe, as you are using a SCSI
	First make sure your kernel is built to support your cdrom either
builtin to the kernel or provided as a module.  Second put an
entry in /etc/fstab which should look something like this:

/dev/hdb  /cdrom  iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user,unhide  0  0

Now if everything is setup properly, you can mount the cdrom with
this line:

mount /cdrom

Without the entry in fstab you would have to use a mount line like

mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdb /cdrom
            ^        ^       ^
          cdrom    device  mount
          type             point

It'll print a warning about being read-only, thats ok.  Notice the
'ro' flag in the options on the fstab line, that suppresses the
normal warning when using the fstab line (we've confirmed to mount
that the device really is read-only).  We just didn't bother using
it in the more complex mount command above.
	If everything worked, you should be able to 'ls /cdrom' to see
whats on the cdrom.
	What I can't help you with is determining the device name of your
scsi cdrom, since i've never had a scsi-anything.  Sorry.

	P.S., Linux does have 'dial-up support' for ppp connections to an
ISP.  Unfortunately, if the 'pppconfig' command doesn't get things
working correctly, it becomes an ugly job of setting it up

Ed C.

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