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Re: Ugrading using apt-get?

> 3. Execute 'apt-get dist-upgrade'
> I see that all of the packages to be updated are simply held back.
> Essentially nothing gets upgraded at all. Why is this? I have tried to
> use the -f parameter in step three as well to no avail. 

Do you have them marked "hold" in dselect? (they'll have an equals sign
"=" in the action field) ...

|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
|			http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/		         |
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|           You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked          |
|                  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...              |
|                 --The Barenaked Ladies,  "Blame It On Me"              |

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