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Re: dhcp and boot-up network configuration

On Fri, Jan 08, 1999 at 08:01:27PM +0100, ulisses@pusa.eleinf.uv.es wrote:
> Hi all
> I have setup a dhcp successfully, It works great
> But, it is started by rc* scripts _after_ /etc/rcS.d/S40network script
> wich uses static config info

Well, all my network script does is: 
1. set up lo
2. set up eth1 (local network)
3. do some ipfwadm stuff for IP Masquerading
4. set up default gw         
5. and add as a route (for dhcpd)     

I don't set up eth0 because this is done by the dhcp stuff.
Which I assume comes later...or before. I guess it really
doesn't matter with this setup. 

That guy

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