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Re: upgrade to slink


> Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

> > > > deb http://ftp1.us.debian.org/debian slink main contrib non-free
> > > > deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable non-US
there it is you have to add a "/" at the end of the url

just my 2KB ;-)

until next mail ;)             . ___ ---___              .--.      
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      ___                  (     DEBIAN       `-        |O O |     
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     |___|                :          GNU/Linux      _-  |<_) \.    
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     ||  |                 `.   www.debian.org  /     '      .\.  
     ||__|                   ` --- . ___  ..   '      |  .    .|  
      |   | artosch                                  |   ..    .\. 
      |___|                                          /   .     ..| 
                                                    /,\       .__\ 
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  lead@gmx.de  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  |   |     o|   |
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       student of technical computer science       \.. \____\   / 
  university of applied sciences krefeld (germany)  \__/     \_/

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