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Re: Netscape 4.5 glibc dies!

Rafael Kitover wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 1998 at 12:32:01PM +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
> > But I have a 10Mbit ethernet connection for pete's sake! And it
> > happens quite often (though usually only when connecting to
> > transatlantic sites (that would be America for me)). Also, after I've
> > killed it, when I run 'top', there is two or three 'Netscape'
> > processes that eat ~45% CPU each! Please tell me what problems 4.5
> > fixed from 4.0x, cause I'm thinking hard of switching back!
> Sometimes netscape will make processes called "(dns helper)", and when these
> hang, netscape hangs. Looking them up under ps and killing them makes
> netscape unfreeze.

	I forgot to mention this earlier.  I've disabled the dns-helper (whatever it
is), when it was mentioned, on this list?, that this could cause problems of its
own.  I've got
in my bash profile.

Ed C.

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