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Re: Loosing communicator file

On Mon, Dec 21, 1998 at 10:06:49PM -0600, KTB wrote:

> I did exactly steps 1 through 4 again and this time got an error message saying the
> file had to be owned by root.  Does that mean I have to download the file while signed
> in as root?  I was in root during the attempt at installation.  I was not in root
> during the download.  I looked the file was in /tmp.  I then tried to move the file
> out of /tmp using mv before I lost it and it didn't work again.  The file is lost
> because I have to use email through windows and have to reboot because I can't figure
> out how to use email.  It seems to me if I can't move a file from one directory to
> another there must be something wrong.  I put:
> mv communicator (I then hit tab) /usr
> it seems to me, from what I read, I am doing it correctly but it doesn't work,  this
> is maddening.  The only thing I have been able to do by myself is install the root and
> get my mouse to work.  After three weeks and with five books.

It sounds like you almost had it.  Here's what you should do this time.

If the file is lost again, download it again either into /root (as root)
or into your home directory.  

If you have enough free disk space, cp the file to /tmp instead of
moving it.  That way you'll have a copy of it around in case
you have to boot to Windows again before you get it working.

If you don't have enough disk space to cp instead of mv, mv the file 
back to where ever you downloaded it from before you boot to Windows.

Now try installing it again.  If you get the same error message again,
type "ls -l".  This will tell you who owns the file.  If root does not
own it (and root won't unless you downloaded the file as root), type
the command, while you are root, "chown root FILENAME".  Where
filename is the name of the communicator file, the tab trick should work
again.  Check "ls -l" again.  Now root should own the file. And you
should be able to install netscape.

About the "supported/unsupported" issue for netscape - its really
just an issue of which version of the C libraries you want to use.
The "supported" version uses libc5, and the "unsupported" version
uses its successor, glibc2 (or libc6).  I think that they call the
libc5 version "supported" because when netscape 4.0 was first 
released glibc2 was still very new (or maybe not even released yet).

Anyway, if your using using Debian 2.0 (hamm, slink, or potato) or
higher, you probably want to use the "unsupported" netscape.  Debian
2.0 or higher uses glibc2, so you probably already have most of the
libraries that netscape requires installed.  You could also use
the "unsupported"version, but then you have to install some of the
libc5 libraries from the "oldlibs" section of the Debian distribution.

Anyway, I hope this works for you.

Jim Crumley                 |
crumley@belka.space.umn.edu |
Work: 612 624-6804 or -1335 |

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