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Re:Thanks re: Loosing communicator file

Mark Phillips wrote:

> It takes a while to get the hang of things, but you'll get there.
> Have you had another go at getting X to work.  It sounded before like
> you were almost there.  (You'll need to get X working before netscape
> will work.)

I am an idiot when it comes to computers.  I wish I would have grown up with a
computer "in my hip pocket" like so many out there have today.  Anyway I do have X up
and running but not because anything I did.  I took someone's advice from someone on
the list and contacted a local Linux group and a person came over (D'jinnie:) and set
it up,  lilo as well, it was an amazing site.  Someday I will have to go back and
learn how to do that stuff but maybe it will be easier after having knocked around a
bit in Linux.  Well I have to got to work, unfortunately.  Thanks for all the help
everyone, I will take another crack at Communicator tonight.

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