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lp and Debian 2.0 (More info)

Hello again!
	I wrote the message below this morning (HP 890C, Parallel port
Zip Drive, lp as a module, zip drive works, printer doesn't), and since
then I've tried a few more things trying to get my printer working.
Here's what I've tried:

  # echo "Hello" > /dev/lp0  (bash: /dev/lp0: Device not configured)
  # echo "Hello" > /dev/lp1  (bash: /dev/lp1: Device not configured)

So that didn't work.  I then killed lpd, removed the lp module (modprobe
-r lp), and tried restarting lpd and loading the module both ways (lpr
then lp, lp then lpr).  Sometimes I get the message: lp: Driver configured
but no interfaces found.  This is the same message that shows up when the
computer is booting.  I still can't echo anything to either device.

I know the printer works because I can print to it just fine in Windows.
I used to print to it all the time with Red Hat, but I just can't seem to
figure out how the parallel port zip drive driver is interacting with the
printer port.  With Red Hat there were two modules, lp and ppa, but ppa
doesn't seem to exist on my system -- and yet, the zip drive seems to be
installed on bootup, and I can mount it (/dev/sda4).

Can anyone help me?  Is it that I am using lp as a module?  I'll reinstall
everything if that what it'll take. . .



 Christopher S. Swingley
 Department of Biology and Wildlife
 University of Alaska Fairbanks

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 1998 10:23:29 -0900 (AKST)
From: "Christopher S. Swingley" <cswingle@nika.bio.uaf.edu>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: lp and Debian 2.0
Resent-Date: 19 Dec 1998 19:23:37 -0000
Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
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I recently switched my P75 from RedHat 5.1 (the upgrade to 5.2 killed a
variety of things) to Official Debian 2.0 R1.  I have a HP Deskjet 890C
and a Parallel port zip drive plugged in series into the first parallel
port.  When I set it up originally, I made lp as a module, but when the
system boots up it says that there is no device.  I haven't gotten around
to upgrading things to print, but before I get everything the way I want
it, I want to make sure that making lp a module is a good idea.  Should I
start over?  Do I need to pass some sort of parameters to the module via
conf.modules?  I know it's at 0x378, and I suspect it's irq=7.  Thank you
very much!  You'll save me a lot of trouble later!


 Christopher S. Swingley
 Department of Biology and Wildlife
 213 Irving, x6677
 University of Alaska Fairbanks
What you don't know won't help you much either.
		-- D. Bennett

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