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Giving recompile another try

With all the recent talk about Debian vs. RedHat, I'm thinking of giving a
recompile of my kernel another try.  I have recompiled my kernel for sound
several times and have never succeeded in getting a fully functional kernel.
I always seem to have the same problems (broken network, no parallel zip and
still no sound) but have yet to solve them on my own or find someone who
could tell me what I might be doing wrong.

What I'm wondering now is there a way to copy the existing kernel setting to
make config?  That way I could make changes only to the sound section (all I
really want to change anyway).

My take on RedHat vs. Debian
What I like most about the RedHat distribution is that it has a setup for
SoundBlaster audio cards (I also like the printer setup which was a piece of
cake with my networked printer). In fact, sound cards seem to be the only
hardware that does not currently have an option to setup during the
installation or utility to help you configure the device afterwards.

I know many people have said that if you don't like something write your on
package and submit it but if you can't make work and/or don't know how to
program that's not much of answer.  Overall I'm very much in agreement that
Debian is easier to maintain and affords the opportunity to learn about
what's going on "under the hood".  In many cases documentation is either
lacking in details and examples or are so cryptic that even those of us with
more technical backgrounds are left unsure how to proceed.

Cristov Russell

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