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Re: How to test RAM?

Hi all,

    I found a tar ball of this, and I will try to compile it tonight, but
I'm willing to bet the compile will fail, so I'll ask now.  Do anyone
know where a binary of this might be?
    When I tried to compile my own kernel, Iit failed in xconfig and menu
config on a bunch of parse errors.  In the classic config, it barfed on
parse errors, after I told it I wanted to config sound.  I hope it's just
memory and not CPU.


On Mon, 14 Dec 1998, Rick Macdonald wrote:

> Ed Cogburn wrote:
> > So, how can
> > I check my RAM?
> >         There was, a long time ago, a thread in debian-user about testing RAM.
> > Does anyone remember this?  Does anybody know of a Win95/DOS/Linux
> > program (freely available) that does a thorough test of RAM?
> "memtest86" in the doc/hwtools package.
> -- 
> ...RickM...
> -- 
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