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Re: Understanding /root, /usr, /var and so on

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998, Michael Wahl wrote:

> Hello,
> Please help me for the right understanding:
>   the /root contains only the kernel and the device drivers,

/root is the home directory for the root user.

>   the /home is the working area / space for the user (with space for  
>       store of their own data?),

/home is where the regular user home directories go. 

/ is the top level directory.

Think of / as the trunk of a tree. /home /root /var /usr. etc are branches
of that tree. Each branch might have other branches. /usr/local for
example. Think of files as leaves and directories as branches.

/var gets things that change a lot such as mail directories and such.
Configuration information goes in /etc.  /usr is where stuff that is
accessable by users might go with /usr/local being an area where system
administrator can put custom things just for that site or system.

Your question is a basic unix filesystem question. You might look for a
document called the FHS that explains what is supposed to go where.

George Bonser

The Linux "We're never going out of business" sale at an FTP site near you!

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