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Re: My binaries won't run

*-"stumpy@capital.net" <stumpy@capital.net>
| I've downloaded emacs and g++ and it seems to work fine.  I've created a
| mytest program and it compiled fine.  When I try to execute mytest I get
| bash:mytest: command not found
| So how do you invoke your c++ binaries?  Thanks.

Is it possible that the current directory isn't in your PATH.

$ ./mytest

You can see the search path with

$ echo $PATH

and add current dir to it with

$ export PATH=$PATH:.

The only way tcsh "rocks" is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake.             (Linus Torvalds)
olet@ifi.uio.no   [-: .elOle. :-]   olet@debian.org

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