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Re: help for a future user


> > > >  Allmost debian list is about problems of installation.
> > > > Would it be so difficult to install Debian?

Note that some of those problems are from people who use unstable versions
(eg, all the recent messages about __register_frame_info).

Most people use the stable versions, resulting in much easier lives.

>  I think dselect can be daunting to a newbie. 


It's unfortunate that arguably the worst user interface in the whole system is
only about the second program a new user will have to work with.

Read the help screens carefully, and press keys cleanly.

Hints: in the main menu, select the options in numerical order from top to
bottom. In the [S]elect screen:
  when you think you want Enter, you probably want +
  + selects the package the cursor is on
  Enter confirms the whole list you are looking at

If a dependency sub-list pops up and you don't like what it's done, press
Shift-R and make different selections (or just Shift-R Enter).

HTH, and don't stress too much about making mistakes - we all make them,
that's how we learn. Most likely the extent of damage will be an error message
which will either tell you what went wrong, or tell someone on the list what
was wrong.

Jiri <jiri@baum.com.au>

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