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icmplogd: destination unreachable from localhost ?

Hello -

I recently installed a mail2news gateway for my local INN. Incoming
mail is forwarded via procmail to Miquel van Smoorenburg's mail2news
perl-script (Cistron) and then posted via rnews to a local newsgroup.
This runs smoothly, so far. But I get warnings from icmplogd for every
posting, and I don't understand the background of them:

Nov 24 19:37:45 odo innd: localhost connected 18
Nov 24 19:37:45 odo rnews: offered <...message-id...>
Nov 24 19:37:45 odo innd: localhost:18 closed seconds 0 accepted 1 \
                          refused 0 rejected 0
Nov 24 19:37:45 odo icmplogd: destination unreachable from localhost\

Why are icmp datagrams sent while posting news into INN ???
Where and/or how should I hunt for the originator ???

Any help is highly appreciated,
      We are living in a world without walls and fences, now.
      So why should one need Windows and Gates, then ?
                                                           - Unknown

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