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Re: Permissions for vfat mounted drive

Hello John Stevenson,

> I created a dos group and tried to assign the win98
> partition as belonging to the dos group, but this did
> Any ideas how I can get no root access to my win98
> partion, or is it a Fat32 problem.

You need to give it a couple of options when you are mounting it.

If you are mounting from fstab, these go into the fourth column (which
probably says "default" now). Otherwise, use the -o switch.

Try something like "gid=123,umask=002", which means "give full access to owner
and group 123, read/execute to others".

Check the mount manpage for more details.

> P.s. I realise that some people would consider none
> root access to the dos/win partion a security hole, but
> I am aware of this, thanks.

That's OK, mine's like that too...

Jiri <jiri@baum.com.au>

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