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netscape install fail


	I'm trying to install communicator 4.5 on my system using
netscape4 installer. The files are correctly set into the file system, but
the wrapper script (/usr/X11/bin/netscape) has some typos and sintaxe
errors, I guess, because it didn't launch netscape. It used to work before
I upgrade some files (slink). 
	Some help, please!
	If somebody has an old wrapper script and can send to me, I'll
	I'm using netscape4  - Version: 4.0-14
	If a call netscape script I have the following output:

<mario> linux1: /usr/X11/bin$ netscape
/usr/bin/X11/netscape: [: missing `]'
netscape: locale `pt_BR' not supported by Xlib; trying `C'.
netscape: locale `C' not supported either.
        Perhaps the $XNLSPATH environment variable is not set correctly?
	and nothing is launched! 
	Some other info:
bash 2.01.1-4.1
libc6 2.0.7u-5
Mario O.de Menezes | "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP       | is the Lord's purpose that prevails" Prov. 19.21

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