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system hang on boot

hi all !
  I 81Mb of RAM but had no idea that i was using only the 64Mb of it until that
post by Mark Phillips.  Anyway, i added the 'append' line to my /etc/lilo.conf
then run #lilo ... 
  When i tried restarting my box it would completely halt/hang at the part where
Linux does partition checks on hda 1, 2 & 3 ... 
  Heres part of my lilo.conf.  I'd really appreciate it if there's someone who
can tell me what i did wrong here ...

#Start Linux bootable partition
 image = /vmlinuz
   root = /dev/hda3
   append = "mem=81M" #this is what i added
   label = Linux
#End Linux bootable partition


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