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Re: Pine Q. 2: Fortune in sig

Kent West <westk@heir.acu.edu> writes:

> Is there a[n easy] way to set up your signature file in Pine so that a
> different fortune is sent with each signature? (I've come to realize that
> with Linux, yes, it's possible, because you can do just about anything, 
> but is it _easily_ done?)

Use "signify" with the fifo option.

> If so, is it bad netiquette to do such a thing, or otherwise not
> recommended?

Well, emacs/gnus sometimes complains about my signature being to long. 

Jens.Ritter@weh.rwth-aachen.de       grimaldi@debian.org
KeyID: 2048/E451C639 1998/01/28
Print: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37
The Unix way of drinking tea:
    cat /dev/boiler/water | tea | sieve > /cup
    mount -t hdev /dev/human/mouth01 /mouth ; cat /cup >/mouth/gulp

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