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Re: Dewbie Question: How can I install rpm package

On Wed, Sep 30, 1998 at 10:08:36AM -0500, Jianbo Zhang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just download sybase ase, it is in rpm format. I do not know how to
> install it in Debian. I am using Debian 2.0. Any help would be highly
> appreciated.

There is a debian rpm package but...it doesn't work on its own (not
being a distro which uses rpm we don't have the RPM package 
and databases it needs) but... you can install alien which uses rpm.

my advice...I have used alien only a few times...
do this:

alien -tc RPMFILE.rpm

then you will have a tarball (RPMFILE.tgz) in the directory.
make a new dir temp and untar it into temp (mv RPMFILE.tgz 
 xvf *)

This will give you a chance to look at it. I would recommend 
installin git
by hand into /usr/local


OTOH I used fvwm95 until I got kde working and if you open the 
rpm with alien in the gui it will create a deb then you can dpkg -i 
and install which I have done with both tgz and rpm, this is in deb 2.
Worked a treat which is fortunate as I know nothing about linux or 
unix.  Now I have to learn how to get loadlin working correctly so I 
can dual boot.  after that I need to learn how to set up ppp etcetra.  
I am finding moving from win95 an enjoyable process but the 
learning curve I am finding is pretty steep.  I should have learned 
how to program beforehand I think.  Hopefully I haven't restated 
what Steve said beforehand.  

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