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Re: Easy X exit manager....

"Person, Rod" <RPerson@cvty.com> writes:

> Hey all,
> My wife has taken a liking to KDE's kpoker. I added her as a user, but
> she can't grasp the shutdown process. She is very computer impaired (I'm
> being nice...she just plain computer stupid.) Anyway is there a exit
> manager available to go from X to system halt state, or is this going to
> be my first attempt at linux programming.....

Someone posted at one point a simple little bit of tcl/tk
code that added "Reboot" and "Shutdown" buttons to the xdm login
screen.  I'm not certain if that's exactly what you're asking for (it
would require logging out of kwm and then hitting a shutdown button),
but it's easier to remember than switching to a VT and then doing
"shutdown -h now".

Hopefully someone on the list with a better-connected machine can find 
it in the archives.

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