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AcceleratedX4.1.1 work with GLIBC ?

I had slackware runnin great for about 2 years, could never get XFREE
running on slack but was shocked to see it setup perfectly in debian 2.  I
still wanted to try to get AcceleratedX working, but when I installed it,
and hit startx, or Xsetup, nothing happened..no errors..just got a new
command prompt. Does AccelX run with glibc? i have the libc5-compat package
installed.. and nowhere in my AccelX manual nor on the cd's documentation
does it say _anything_ about glibc problems.

Also, any way to get Staroffice 4 to run on Debian 2 ? when i tried the
installer, it crashed(saw the readme say it didn't support glibc)
..Staroffice5 ? what about applix how's that run in glibc. I saw an email a
week or 2 back about getting SO3 to work in debian, saved it will look over
it again later..or maybe it mentioned SO4 i forgot. since this list
generates so much traffic i had to make another account just for this list
;) if you reply to this would you be so kind as to send it/cc it to
aphro@aphroland.org as well, as that is one of my main addresses. I usually
download this mail once a week in packages of 900+ and it'd be hard to sort
thru them all :|

one last question ..can anybody reccomend a POP client for X that can
handle multiple accounts smoothly. 5 of my accounts i try to check
regularly. (keep different ones for different purposes)

I got a pretty good linux-links page up as well ..not just linux links it
has other things too if your interested - http://yahoo.aphroland.org .
About 350 links total, around 160-170 linux-specific. made it cuz it was a
pain to keep my favorites/bookmarks available through 2 computers, 5 OSs,
and about 8 different browsers ack! heheh (and before you flame me for
using eudora..im only using win95 to test out my new v90 flash!! honest! :>
--sofar it sucks )


* System Administrator http://www.aphroland.org/ mailto:aphro@aphroland.org  *
* "For Centuries philosophers and theologians have debated what it means to  *
*  be human.  Perhaps the answer has eluded us because it is so simple.      *
*  To be human is to choose."                                                *
*                              -- Outer Limits 'A Feasibility Study'         *
* System Administrator http://www.firetrail.com/ mailto:root@firetrail.com   *
              (aphroland.org / firetrail.com powered by LINUX)

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